This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters...... - The Droitwich Standard

This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters......

Droitwich Editorial 26th Jun, 2020   0

Here is this week’s Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters…..

Thank you First Bus for keeping us safe during Covid-19

I AM writing regarding First Bus.

When it changed the Salt Road route a few months ago and made it an hourly service from Bromsgrove to Birmingham all of us who regularly use it were up in arms and complained.

However, I just wanted to comment on how fabulous the company has been recently.

I have used the 144 from Bromsgrove to Birmingham for the past 27 years as I work in Edgbaston and have seen a lot of changes.

For the past 12 weeks of lockdown I have continued to work full-time as it is within a hospital.

I have still had to get the bus as I have various joint problems and cannot drive.

I thought we would have major problems during lockdown as not only does the 144 run hourly, an enhanced Sunday service was introduced and various seats were cordoned off for social distancing purposes so only one in four was available.

I would say all along I have felt safe travelling with First because of the cordoned off seats, an enhanced cleaning regime on buses and if there have been any problems, as soon as Nigel Eggerton the West Midlands MD, was contacted these have been rectified.

I would also like to single out Nigel for his customer service.

A couple of years ago now we became acquaintances and he has always asked me to let him know of any problems – a mystery customer if you like.

Nigel has been my ‘go to’ for any major issues and has always sorted them for us as passengers.

To compensate for the seats lost through social distancing, double-deckers have been introduced on the Salt Road route.

I emailed Nigel for advice as because of my joints I cannot get up the stairs on the bus.

Therefore, if everyone sits downstairs on the bus coming out of Birmingham by the time it gets to me, I would not be able to use it.

My joint problems are not obvious – a hidden disability.

Nigel being Nigel asked which bus I got home and changed that particular one to a single-decker so I do not have a problem getting a seat (there are a lot less lower deck seats on double-deckers).

In these times we are all too quick to judge others, moan about things and criticise.

It would be nice if First had recognition through this letter for everything they have done to keep their passengers safe and helping those who need it.

They have been amazing.

Thank you First.

Kate Lawrie


We should all follow hard-working councillor’s lead on asylum seekers

I WRITE in response to Mr Neal’s letter in last week’s edition.

Harrison Rone-Clarke works incredibly hard for Rock Hill, knocking on doors to talk to residents about any concerns (before the pandemic) and being very approachable over telephone and email!

He’s tackled concerns brilliantly and taken action to relieve them to help our community.

We should all follow Harrison’s lead in showing compassion to others, especially by helping the vulnerable people in our town and supporting their wellbeing.

Miss Hawkes

Rock Hill


No Brexit extension could turn Covid crisis into an economic catastrophe

AN OPEN letter to MP Sajid Javid

I accept Covid has given the Government huge problems and feel they have made some helpful decisions.

I have written before about decisions I feel were less than helpful, but that aside I don’t think anyone would argue this has been an unprecedented crisis and that we face unchartered waters ahead especially for the economy.

Given that, I can see no possible reason for not asking for an extension of the Brexit transition period.

Surely the Government have enough on their plate without adding the economic impact of Brexit to our troubles.

I can only think their obstinate refusal to request such an extension is cynically to bury Brexit bad news under the crisis that is Covid.

But in doing so we could turn a crisis into a catastrophe.

The only other reason I can think of is that we are Mr Trump’s puppets and have no choice except to accept a trade deal with the US that damages the environment, workers’ rights, animal welfare and our health service.

And of course the current action runs the risk of alienating Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and threatening the union itself.

All these huge decisions require careful analysis and thought by the whole of our parliament.

At the moment it feels as if a handful of individuals with a vested interest are making decisions without any thought about what the public want, any moderating by Parliament and without any care for our best interests.

The bottom line is that I have lost all trust in our Government.

I would probably always have arguments with a Tory Government, but I think these issues transcend party politics.

And never before have I felt that our leaders are dishonest, incompetent and manipulative.

I find it hard to believe that they are ever telling us the truth.

I am really pleased you have left the Cabinet and ask you do all in your power to push for more proper thinking about these issues, and for more time to think about the Brexit deal.

Thank you for your time.

Suzanne Beech



YOUTHS using the Lickey Hills for camping, drinking and taking nitrous oxide are a disgrace – especially when the majority sticking to lockdown rules have not seen loved ones for over three months.

But there is a wider issue with the legal high – the number of canisters sold so people can ‘get high’ far outweighs the number purchased for legitimate reasons such as cooking and inflating balloons and bike tyres.

Strict legislation is needed to stop this craze.

Aside from the health risk to individual consumers, the canisters strewn across every inch of these green and pleasant lands are endangering wildlife.


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