This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters...... - The Droitwich Standard

This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters......

Droitwich Editorial 11th Jun, 2021   0

‘Covid is not the Black Death and we need to return to normality’

IN RESPONSE to Paul O’Dell’s reaction to Phil Haynes ‘freedom passport’ letter, what he needs to understand is that although 120,000 people have died in the UK from Covid, 120,000 deaths in a nation with a population of nearly 70million is less than 0.2 per cent.

He commented on the deaths in India, although all Covid deaths are tragic he needs to put things into perspective. Over 20,000 people die each day in India irrespective of Covid.

All Covid deaths are a tragedy, but how many people have died of cancer, heart disease and other long-term illnesses due to lack of treatment because the NHS totally prioritised Covid over everything else, not to mention suicide rates going through the roof because of lockdown.

Yes Covid is a killer, yes people have died, but the fact is most people who catch Covid – over 99 per cent – go on to make a full recovery and some have no symptoms whatsoever, including myself who tested positive for Covid back February 2021.

To compare Covid to the Black Death is pure hyperbole and sensationalism.

Maybe Paul needs to consult the Office of National Statistics before making such comments and remember the tens of thousands up and down the country have seen their businesses, lifestyle and income go to the wall because of Covid lockdown and restrictions.

This has resulted in many losing their homes, as well as taking a massive toll on their mental health, which as commented earlier, has led to suicide rates to sky rocket. Covid infection rates are at their lowest ever and it’s about time the UK got back on its feet and returned to some form of normality, before our economy and population implodes on itself.

Grant Smith

Lickey End


‘Private Members’ Bill could be used to bring back the death penalty’

I WRITE regarding your article in The Standard to put forward a proposal debate and vote to decide a new change in the law.

Sajid Javid, I strongly feel this country needs to address the inappropriate law on terrorist / serial killers / cold-blooded murderers.

Most days there is a murder committed somewhere. The victim has lost their precious life in horrendous circumstances, and so does the victim’s family. This devastating trauma never leaves the victim’s family’s lives.

Our pathetic law releases terrorists and murderers early, for some unacceptable reason, or they only serve about eight years imprisonment.

When they are released they commit more murders, because the law will not take their life – basically they have nothing to lose.

On the basis of how lenient the sentence is, the law seems to condone these murderers because there is no positive deterrent at all.

The numerous murders are rife and blase being committed in broad daylight, every day, the situation is completely out of control.

I feel this country needs a referendum on bringing back the ‘death penalty’ – lethal injection.

So please Parliament wake up and stop these murderers with a strong deterrent, the death penalty.

Mrs M Dykes


Compassionate vet thanks after 23-year-old Belle had to be put down

I WANT to thank everyone at Clent Hill Vets for their kindness and compassion when I had to have my cat put down on Tuesday.

Belle was 23 years old and the care she received from the Clent Hills staff during her life was second to none.

Although it was a sad day on Tuesday, Belle had a really good life and if anyone else has a pet I would recommend they go to Clent Hills Vets.

Fred Stanley



Morrisons needs to do ‘more’ online with its reward card

WE USED to shop at our local Morrisons but when Covid appeared we went for their online home delivery.

Before we would call at the local store and get points we could use on our next shopping visit that meant the shopping bill would be less.

We have been using their delivery service now for 14 months now and spent around £8,000.

We felt the points would be automatically added to our card we could then use on online shopping, But they were not!

We didn’t claim until today when we were told ‘sorry you should have added your card you use in store online. You get nowt!’

What they have taken from us is miniscule to them but a lot of cash to the rest of us.

Morrisons make £Billions from us in the UK and its website is the worst you could ever use to get an answer to your problem.

Why can’t it just say on the website ‘we have registered you for online shopping with us and from now on you will gain points you can change into savings at later purchases online’?

No they take you through loads of questions, like did you do this or that and did you get another card and did you add that card to your normal card, its just plain crazy.

Stan Francis



THE LONG-AWAITED European Championships kick-off today and it will not just be the fans of the home nations who will look forward to it – businesses to.

The hospitality industry has been among the hardest hit over the past 16 months and desperately needs to recoup some of those losses.

There are plenty of pubs and clubs in our areas and the matches will prove a great opportunity to meet up with friends and family again and cheer on England.


We welcome your letters…..

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